Food & Wine

Classes, programs and educational experiences

Savor the flavors of the season made from local ingredients. Taste exciting recipes in a social, casual atmosphere. Meet fun people and try something new in a unique setting at the Farm at the Arb.

Adult classes are intended for Ages 18+ unless otherwise stated. Classes with wine are Ages 21+.

Chef Beth Fisher, 500px, Photo by Jason Boudreau-Landis

Photo by Jason Boudreau-Landis, APS

Featuring Chef Beth Fisher

Arboretum Culinary Lead. Beth brings an extensive culinary background including an instructor at Kitchen Window and other various culinary schools in the metro area. Many people know Beth from her work at Lucia's, Wise Acre Eatery, Thirty Bales, Rustica, French Meadow and most recently, Kruse Markit. Beth is thrilled to be developing cooking classes for visitors at the Arboretum's new Myers Center, which has a new, high-tech kitchen classroom.

Read an article about Beth - Star Tribune Variety section Oct. 8, 2023.


Helpful information - Education

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Cancellations & Exchanges for educational programs

Cancellation policy

Review the cancellation policies prior to purchasing a class.


Waitlist form

The best chance of being enrolled in a sold out class is to add your name to the waitlist. Click the "waitlist" button or link next to the class and complete the form. There is no obligation to register if a spot opens. If the waitlist shows enough demand, additional sessions may be added.

Member purchasing policy

Can Members register accompanying Non-member participants for Educational programs at the discounted member rate?

Yes. Arboretum Education policy is that Members may purchase a class or camp on behalf of an accompanying Non-member at the discounted Member price as long as they are registering and paying for at least one spot for themselves. Members must Sign in, enter the total number of Member-price tickets for all participants they are purchasing for, and then complete each participant’s name and prompted information at the checkout screen. The transaction must be completed at the same time as the Member's registration(s). This policy applies only to Arboretum Education programs and classes, and is not applicable to other Arboretum purchases like Events or Admission Tickets.

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About Arboretum Education

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