Program Staff
Ph.D. University of Colorado, Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology 2001
B.A. Carleton College, Biology 1993
Research Interests
Ex-situ conservation, rare plant conservation, conservation horticulture, seed longevity and storage.
Selected Publications & Media
Selected Publications
- Vozniachuk I.P., Remucal D.J., Vlasava N.B., Skuratovich A.N., Yukhimuk A.N., Malysza J., Monterusso M., Vozniachuk N.L., Moe P. 2018. Integrative ecological and genetic monitoring of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) populations on the southern border of the European and North American area (in Belarus and Minnesota). V International Scientific Conference.
- Remucal, D.J. 2016 Endangered species conservation at public gardens: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum highlighting ex situ. Vestsі Natsyyanalnay Akademіі Navuka Belarusi. 99-101; Miller D, Remucal D 2016 Conservation and utilization of buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides) in Minnesota. Vestsі Natsyyanalnay Akademіі Navuka Belarusi. 96-98
- Remucal D 2015 Developing Ex Situ Conservation of Orchids. Conference proceedings. International Seminar “Strategies and Techniques of Botanical Gardens on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity of the Natural Flora – III”. Minsk, Belarus
Biographical Sketch (reupload and link)
M.S in Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology (San Francisco State University)
B.S in Ecology and Environmental Biology (University of WI-Eau Claire)
Previous Experience
- Research plot technician with the Woody Landscape Plant Breeding Program at the Horticultural Research Center
- Assistant Gardener at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
- Graduate assistant in campus greenhouses at San Francisco State University
B.S. University of Minnesota, Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
Extensive Prairie and Oak Savanna conservation work in Minnesota. Threatened and endangered species survey projects across various US states. Served in the Peace Corps in Central America organizing community conservation projects. Enjoys exploring the diversity and complexity of the natural world!
Macalester College
University of Minnesota in Entomology, Fisheries and Wildlife
Current and Previous Experience
I taught Limnology and Aquatic Invertebrates at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and then at the University of Nis, Yugoslavia (1980), under a short-term Fulbright in the Department of Civil Engineering. I have peer-reviewed publications in philosophy, aquatic invertebrate ecology, and Botrychium fern distributions. Since the early 1990’s, I have worked as a volunteer, contractor, or seasonal employee with the Minnesota DNR doing field surveys/monitoring of select rare plant species. Most recently, I have worked with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum doing mostly orchid seed and root collections statewide for the Plant Conservation Program and surveys with the PlantWatch Program.
Selected Publications
MacFarlane, M. 2023. Disjunct occurrences of Botrychium crenulatum W. H. Wagner (Ophioglossaceae) in northwestern Minnesota, USA. The Great Lakes Botanist 62:142-148.
MacFarlane, M. and R. MacFarlane. 2021. Distributions of Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae) species in north-northwestern Minnesota. The Great Lakes Botanist 60: 82-96.