Paul Granlund was sculptor-in-residence at Minnesota's Gustavus Adolphus College from 1971-1996, as part of a career which spanned 50 years. His figurative bronzes have been installed worldwide. Granlund compared the pouring of bronze to the experience of flying, the essence of which carries over into many of his works. These five buoyant swimmers happily frolic in nature surrounded by crabapple trees. Look for his 'Winter and Summer Nymphs', dancing with a similar natural exuberance on the Morgan Terrace by the Snyder Building. 'South Wind II' can be found in the Nelson Shrub Rose Garden and 'Mountain Mirage' in the MacMillian Hosta Glade. Granlund compared the pouring of bronze to the experience of flying.
Gift of Alfred Harrison and Ingrid Lenz Harrison, 2017.