By Jean Larson

March is an energizing and astronomically significant month. In the northern hemisphere, it’s the month of the vernal equinox — the first day of spring! This year, the vernal equinox is March 19, the day the sun's rays shine directly onto the equator, making the length of the night and day (almost) equal. It’s the month the earth awakens, birds migrate overhead and plants push their way up from the ground. 

Photo by Jason Boudreau-Landis

March is the perfect time to embrace the energy of the new season and fresh beginnings.  There are plenty of ways to tap into the transformative power of spring and your inner strength and resilience. Here are five ways to create positive change in your life this month:


Spring is a time of change and growth as we come out of the long winter. This spring, try something new, whatever that means to you. Embrace the opportunity for growth and the learning that comes with it.


The start of a new season is a great time to cultivate a sense of appreciation for all the blessings in your life and commit to expressing your gratitude daily. Focus on what you have and the abundance of your life to replace the negative spiral into scarcity and inadequacy. 


Use the season of spring as an opportunity to let go of any past regrets that may be holding you back from embracing a fresh start. The release of emotional baggage creates space for new opportunities and experiences. 


Spend time in nature by taking a walk, planting a garden or simply sitting outside and soaking up the sun. Allow yourself to connect with nature to feel more grounded, present and connected to the world around you.


Practice forgiveness by letting go of any resentment or anger towards yourself or others. Doing this can help you release negative emotions and open yourself up to a deeper connection with yourself and with others. 

Photo by Jason Boudreau-Landis

Remember, it is through self-reflection, gratitude and trying new things that you discover new strengths and uncover the hidden potential within yourself. 

Learn more about the effects of green exercise on physical and mental wellbeing from this 2019 journal article published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Dr. Jean Larson is the manager of Nature-Based Therapeutics and Nature Heals Initiative at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and is faculty lead of the Nature-Based Therapeutic Studies at the Earl Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing of the University of Minnesota.

Cover photo by Jason Boudreau-Landis