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By Reba Luiken, Arboretum coordinator of informal interpretation
What kid doesn't like to write, see, and use their own name? Growing up, I always loved to have a sign with my name on my bedroom door.
This project takes advantage of that interest to build fine motor skills. Kids can practice writing the letters of their names in pencil, challenge themselves to use two hands to squeeze out the glue needed to trace those letters, and use their fingers to carefully stick small plant parts to their glue. That's a lot of learning and practice in one craft activity!
When the leaves and flowers start looking tired, you can always repeat the project next week with new blooms.
Nature Names
- Flowers, leaves, and other plant parts
- Cardstock or other thick paper
- School glue
- Pencil
1. Go on a nature walk to collect materials. Small flowers and leaves work best for detailed pictures and names.
2. Write your name (or another word or draw a picture) with a pencil. Fill the whole page! (Optional)
3. Write your name on a piece of paper with glue. If you wrote in pencil first, you can follow these lines.
4. Add your nature collection to the glue to make a nature name collage!